Several years ago, while walking through an airport, Trina bought me the book, The Power of the Blood of Christ. I thought, "Why do I need that book? I've been raised in church and know all about that topic." After reading it, I realized how much I needed to learn. Andrew Murray said, "Faith is largely dependent on knowledge. If knowledge of what the blood can accomplish is inaccurate, then faith expects little, and the more powerful effects of the blood are limited. Feeble ideas of its power prevent the deeper and more perfect manifestations of its effects." Regardless of your knowledge of the Word, it is possible to grow in revelation knowledge and faith in the blood of Jesus.
To illustrate the power of the blood of Jesus, we want to share our grandson Dylan's experience. At three years old, he was diagnosed with stage four leukemia and underwent chemotherapy for almost two years. Our hearts fell when he was finishing his last few treatments and tests revealed the cancer cells had returned. The doctors told us a bone marrow transplant was necessary to save his life. While in a meeting with the doctor who was overseeing Dylan's transplant, I asked why, after being told the leukemia was in remission, it came back. Dr. Yu explained that there are two kinds of remission. The first kind is when the cancer is no longer active in the blood. The second kind is called "molecular remission,” which means there is no evidence of cancer cells at the molecular level.
Preparations were made for the transplant and the search for a donor began. Dylan's brother, Gavin was chosen to be the donor. For three days, Gavin's life-saving blood was drawn. Dylan underwent strong chemotherapy and intense radiation to destroy his diseased bone marrow. This treatment prepared Dylan's body to receive his brother's healthy stem cells. Dr. Yu told Dylan, "We are getting ready to say goodbye to you! You're going to be a new person after this!" The first six hours following the graft were critical. We imagined that when Dylan received Gavin's stem cells, his body would welcome the new cells. Dylan stayed in strict quarantine for several weeks. One day the doctor announced with a big smile, "The new cells are multiplying! The graft is growing!" Dylan's bone marrow eventually became one-hundred percent Gavin's. A bone marrow transplant can change the recipient’s hair, eyes, skin and even their personality. Dylan’s DNA now matched Gavin’s. So if Gavin was convicted of a crime, Dylan could be convicted also because they have the same DNA. Dylan has been twinned to Gavin.
If medical science can do that physically, what can God do spiritually? First of all, imagine who your donor is. Your donor is the Lord Jesus Christ who carries the blood of the New Covenant. Just as the chemotherapy could not remove leukemia in Dylan's blood, the Old Testament sacrifices could not perfect us or remove our sin consciousness (Hebrews 10:1-4). The goal of a bone marrow transplant is absolute remission of cancer, which means there are zero cancer cells in any molecules of the body. Spiritually, we now have absolute remission of sin through Jesus’ blood. The term remission in Christ’s work of redemption means cancellation of penalty and removal of guilt. Hebrews 10:18 (AMPC) says, “Now where there is absolute remission (forgiveness and cancellation of the penalty) of these sins…there is no longer any offering made to atone for sin." Colossians 1:22 (TLB) says, “ as a result Christ has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are standing there before him with nothing left against you—nothing left that he could even chide you for.”
Through the blood of Jesus, sin has now gone into one-hundred percent remission. The Old Testament sacrifices produced the forgiveness of sin. In the New Testament, the blood of Jesus has the power to not only remove sin from the mind of God, but also to remove sin and sin consciousness from the memory of the believer. In the Old Testament, God said, "I will not remember your sin." Now, because of the blood of Jesus, God says, "Neither will you remember your sin." Believers now can be free from shame and have a revelation of the reality of their righteousness in Christ.
Just as Gavin's blood brought molecular remission in his brother's body, Jesus' perfect blood brings us absolute remission of sin when we receive it by faith. I imagine God saying, "I'm saying goodbye to the old sinful you!" There was a grafting process where God's divine nature completely recreated your spirit. Second Corinthians 5:17 (AMPC) says, “Therefore, if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah), he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come.” Say goodbye to the old you! Everything is new! The moment the blood of Jesus is applied, you can say goodbye to Satan's dominion.
Today, God’s power is released at the intersection where faith and the blood of Jesus meet. God lives in constant view of the blood of Christ, and we must too. Faith in the blood of Jesus gives overcoming power.
This month we want to offer you our brand-new book, “In Christ: This Changes Everything.” We believe this book will strengthen your faith and help you take your place in Christ. There are over 130 scriptures in the Bible that use the key words In Christ, In Him, and In Whom. Out of those 130, there are over 30 keys scriptures that tell us who we are and what we have in Christ. Along with practical teaching, this book is a collection of over 30 scriptures that are listed in several translations to help give you further light and revelation on your identity. For your offering of any amount this month we will send you this brand-new book (just check the box on the order form).
Trina and I want to thank you for your partnership with us. Your giving is helping us distribute the Word of God to many people through the daily television, all the social media outlets, and the books that are being distributed in many countries. The Word is growing and multiplying!! We declare this blessing to all our partners, “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:19.
In Christ,
Mark and Trina