Mark Hankins Ministries

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in Prayer

May 2019 - Meditation


But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night; and He shall be like a tree that’s planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Psalm 1:2,3

The Hebrew word for meditate in verse 2 is “hagah.”  The Spirit Filled Life Bible has this note: “Hagah represents something quite unlike the English “meditation,” which may be a mental exercise only.  In Hebrews though, to meditate upon the Scriptures is to quietly repeat them in a soft, droning sound, while utterly abandoning outside distractions.  From this tradition comes a specialized type of Jewish prayers called “davening,” that is reciting texts, praying intense prayers, or getting lost in communion with God while bowing or rocking back and forth.  Evidently this dynamic form of meditation-prayer goes back to David’s time.”

Most blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green, It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought, nor shall it cease yielding fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7,8 Amplified

In 1 Timothy 4:15, Paul said to “meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all.” When a tree is well watered, it is evident to all because you can see the fruit and the green leaves. In the same way, those around you can see the results of the Word working in your life. The fruit of blessing, health and peace is very tangible!


The dictionary defines the word meditate as this: to talk with yourself, mutter, cogitate; it is an inward and outward conversation; it means to study, chew over, think over, ponder, excogitate, muse, reflect, mull over, speculate. The wordcogitate” means to think deeply, think out, think up, dream up, and to hatch. Excogitate is to invent; create mentally. Christian meditation is NOT sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, humming to yourself and emptying your mind. Meditation is a relationship with the Word of God.

If you know how to worry or if you have been offended, then you know how to meditate. You constantly think about what could happen, what is happening and speculate about the results. It even affects your body and emotions! The Bible originated in the East where the culture is given to meditation and it has much to say about this exercise. Philippians 4:6,7 says not to worry about anything, but to turn those worries into requests followed by thanksgiving. God promises to surround your heart with His peace. According to verse 8, our part is to do something with our thoughts. We are to meditate or think about things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and begin praising instead of worrying.


According as His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
2 Peter 1:3,4

As Christians, we do not have to participate in the corruption around us. There is an escape! Because of the new birth, you are a partaker of Gods divine nature and have in you everything you need to overcome in life. Through meditation, the Word becomes engrafted in you and is able to save or restore your soul which is your mind, will and emotions (James 1:21). When you are speaking the Word of God, pondering, muttering, turning it over, digesting, and dreaming about all of these great promises that are given to you, you begin to draw up divine power, just like a tree draws water out of the soil it is planted in.


David said his delight was in the Law of the Lord. What are those laws? They are His Word. They are the Law of Faith (Romans 3:27); the Law of Love (1 Corinthians 13); the Law of the Spirit of Life (Romans 8:2); the Law of Sowing and Reaping (2 Corinthians 9:6-11). Every Christian must be personally responsible to tap into the power of God in these areas in order to live above the corruption in the world.  Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, overflows with Davids love for Gods Word. He mentions meditation seven times. When you sing psalms like David, it is a form of meditation. He said, “I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord,” Psalm 104:33,34.


This month we are offering six powerful messages entitled, Meditation: Moving from Information to Revelation and Trina’s teaching, Biblical Meditation – God’s Medication.    These messages will stir you up to make the Word of God your meditation - day and night.  We also want to offer you our Spirit-Filled Scripture Study Guide.  This is a powerful tool that will help meditate on the Word of God.  As you do this, you will see supernatural results in every area of your life.

We are getting ready to preach at a great church in Lusaka, Zambia and also at a wonderful faith conference in Nairobi, Kenya in May.  We love being in Africa and are expecting powerful times in the Word and the Holy Spirit.  Not only will we be ministering but we will also be distributing hundreds of books in these meetings.  The Word is multiplying around the World AND your faithful WORLD MISSIONS PARTNERSHIP is making this possible!  Thank you for being faithful to pray and also to give as we continue to train and equip believers around the World.  We pray you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers with every need met according to God's riches in glory!


In Christ,
Mark and Trina Hankins

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

March 2019 - God's Healing Word

On Sunday evening, July 7, 1991, I left the church service with a severe headache. A few minutes later, I suffered a seizure.  Once at the hospital, many tests and MRI’s were done.  “It appears that you have an inoperable brain tumor,” the radiologist said as he read the report from the CAT scan done on my brain.  But before his words registered on my consciousness, I heard the voice of the Living God on the inside.  Like a shield of faith and a fountain of refreshing water, the Word of God surrounded my mind. “He sent His Word and healed them...Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses...the strong spirit of man will sustain his infirmity.” These were scriptures I had learned and meditated on for years beginning as a teenager.  They had penetrated my heart and now that Word was more real to me than anything the doctor was saying!

My husband, Mark, took a stand on Mark 11:23 and spoke to the tumor, commanding it to be dissolved in Jesus’ name.  He posted a sign outside my hospital room door which said, “No Wavering Allowed.”  Next, he placed a tough lady outside of my door with a list of people who were allowed in the room.  Only those with a strong spirit of faith could enter.  From Monday through Friday many tests were run, tears cried, battles fought and praises sung.  I’m forever grateful to my family and friends who prayed fervently and praised God with strength.  Sometimes we’d get a guitar and start singing songs about the power of the Word to heal. If it wasn’t time to sleep, it was time to speak the Word or to praise God.  The TV stayed off and all conversations were filled with faith in God.  We were in the fight of faith and there was no time for goofing off.

The Amplified Bible says in Numbers 21:9 that when anyone looked, “attentively, expectantly, with a steady and absorbing gaze,” they lived.  Their hope and expectation were focused only on the brass serpent, which was a type of Jesus being lifted up on the cross. That’s exactly what we did in that hospital room for five days.  We kept our focus on the Bible which fed our faith.  Our expectation was on God alone.  My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him,” Psalm 62:5.

Friday came and preparations were made for a surgery to determine if the tumor was cancerous.  My husband was briefed concerning the complications that could result from this surgery and warned of possible paralysis or other brain damage.  From the medical perspective, the future looked bleak as they presented the possibilities of more experimental surgery in Atlanta or Dallas.  Thank God for the shield of faith.  Those words of the doctors never penetrated my consciousness or moved us from a place of confidence in God.

After hours of waiting through the operation, Mark was met by a pleased but puzzled doctor.  He said they had thoroughly and repeatedly explored for the tumor, but it was no longer there!  WE HAD A MEDICAL CONFIRMATION OF A SPIRITUAL OPERATION!

A few weeks after the healing, Bro. Kenneth E. Hagin gave us some very valuable advice.  He said that many times healing is lost in a counterattack and that we needed to hold fast to what God had done.  This fight involved casting down imaginations such as thoughts of a recurrence and permanent paralysis caused by the operation itself.  The good news is that the Holy Spirit will stick with you until the battle is completely finished!  Again, He sent a Word just in time.  Nahum 1:9 in the Amplified Bible is what we began to rejoice about.  It says, “...He will make a full end...the affliction shall not rise up the second time.” 

After the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years touched Jesus and felt the healing power come into her body, then told Him her story, He said these words to her: “Daughter, your faith...has restored you to health. Go in (into) peace and be continually healed and freed from your [distressing bodily] disease,” Mark 5:34, AMP.  The Holy Spirit said to me, “Trina, stay in the position of faith, which is a position of rest.”  My part is to believe and God’s part is to do the miracle.  When you believe, you come to a place where your mind is settled and at peace and your attention is thoroughly fixed on God’s faithfulness and ability.  Divine healing was received into my spirit and from there it affected my body.  To this day, I am healed and made whole, continually experiencing God’s healing power and peace.  I learned that the same faith that healed me will keep me well.


World Missions Partners

This month for your offering of $25 or more we want to offer you our book, God’s Healing Word.  It's been almost 28 years since Trina experienced the healing power of God that dissolved an inoperable brain tumor.   With God NOTHING shall be impossible!  We are thankful that God sent His Word to heal anyone who believes and receives it.  Psalm 118:17 (MSG) says, "I didn't die. I lived! And now I'm telling the world what God did!"

We want to thank you for your faithful partnership with us in World Missions.  Your financial partnership is continuing to help us take the message of faith, who the believer is in Christ and the move of the Holy Spirit to many nations.  We are also working on translating and distributing our books in more languages.  The Word is multiplying and more people are receiving the Word than ever before!  As partners, we believe God will multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness (2 Corinthians 9:10).


In Christ
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

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