Mark Hankins Ministries

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in Faith

April 2020 - The Praise Cure


Currently, much of the world is paralyzed with the fear of the Coronavirus.  The government, our economy, churches, schools, and businesses have all been shaken by this severe outbreak.  The Coronavirus actually got its name because it looks like a crown.  However, the Coronavirus has been de-throned through Jesus’ Name, which is above every name.  Jesus has been crowned Lord of all!  As believers, we share in His victory and reign in life through Jesus’ Name.  We must be delivered from fear and doubt.  Jesus said in Mark 9:23 that if you can believe, all things are possible.  The cure for unbelief is feeding on the Word of God and giving praise to God.   If unbelief is curable, nothing is incurable!  

In Dr. Lilian B. Yeomans’ message, The Praise Cure, she tells about a missionary to China years ago who ministered fearlessly to a sister missionary with smallpox.  While ministering, a very bad case of confluent smallpox (that’s what it looked like to the doctors) came on the missionary and she did not know what to do.  She asked the Lord and He told her to sing and praise Him for His faithfulness to His Word. 

The doctor isolated her and told her to lie quiet, but she said if she didn't praise God the very stones would cry out.  So, she sang and sang and praised and praised.  The doctor said he feared for her life and her case was serious and awful complications threatened.  But she praised and praised and sang and sang.  The doctor said she was evidently delirious, but he had so little help that he couldn't restrain her - and she sang and sang and praised and praised.  He told her that if by any chance she recovered, she would be disfigured for life - and she sang and praised louder than ever.  The doctor asked, "Why do you praise so much?"  She answered, "Because I have so many pox on me.  God shows me I must praise Him for each one separately."  And she kept right at it.

The Lord had shown her a vision of two baskets, one containing her praising, which was half full and the other was her testing, which was fullHe told her that the praise basket must be filled so that it would out weigh the other, so she kept at it.  Her songs and shouts were so Spirit-filled that they were contagious, and the Christian nurses couldn't resist joining in, so they kept the place ringing.  At last the Lord showed her that the praise basket was full and overflowing.  She saw it sink and the testing basket rise in the air.  In a moment, as it seemed, the eruption and all the symptoms vanished, leaving no trace – not even a scar. 

Yes, the praise cure works every time.  It is not unpleasant; rather it is delightful. The cost of it has been paid for by Jesus, and it is available at any moment to each of us.  Are you ready to begin it?  The last part of 1 Peter 1:8 tells us exactly how to begin, "Believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory."  Just believe what God says Jesus has done for you, Spirit, soul and body.  Think about it, talk about it, sing about it, shout about it, and the praise cure has begun.  You are not to take it once a year but all the time. 

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.  Hebrews 13:15


In 2 Chronicles 20, when God's people began to sing and to say, “Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth forever,” the Lord set ambushments against the enemies and they spent three days gathering the spoil! God has ordained strength to come out of the mouth to still the enemy (Psalm 8:2). Jesus used the word praise for strength. Be like Abraham: “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform” (Romans 4:20, 21).  Your praise will cause you to be fully persuaded!

You just need to keep your praise basket full!  “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). Praise is vocal. It can be seen and heard by others.  In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were bound, their hands and feet in stocks, but the authorities forgot to tape their mouths shut!  When they began to pray and sing praises, God shook the entire prison, and everyone was set free.  As long as you have a voice, there's no prison that can hold you!  Your voice is your address in the spirit.

This month we want to offer you Trina’s book, God’s Healing Word, and the brand-new set of 3 cd’s called The Praise Cure.  We want to offer these products at 50% off to you right now.  The praise cure story is in both the book and the cd set.  These are great messages of faith and hope to share with those around you who may be struggling with fear.  We bind the spirit of fear and release the power of Jesus’ Name to heal and continually make you well.

We are very thankful for your monthly partnership with us in World Missions.  We are also excited to announce that we now have Unlimited Digital Download on our website  You can go online anytime and download the MP3’s of all our messages for free.  God bless you and keep the praise cure going! 

In Christ,

Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with
in Faith

February - Faith 2020

Faith 2020

What does 2020 hold for the Church?  For us? For our families and for nations? 2020 is the year for the Church to believe God for unprecedented miracles and expansion.  It is something much bigger than we can produce on our own.  It is exceedingly, abundantly above what we can do naturally.  In the world, it is a time of great darkness, but we believe the Church will shine brighter than ever before.  Now is our opportunity to believe the Word God has spoken, to take our position in Christ, then stand and see the salvation of the Lord.

When Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, He reprimanded them for their unbelief.  There were no “Welcome Back” signs and they were either hiding or had gone back fishing.  Mark 16:14 says Jesus upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of heart.  The Message Bible says, “He took them to task most severely for their stubborn unbelief.”  Other words for upbraid are: reprimand, scold, tongue-lash, chew out, chastise, lecture and reproach.  Jesus hates unbeliefHe is looking for believers in 2020!

Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.  2 Chronicles 20:20

King Jehoshaphat was surrounded by three armies and was about to be destroyed.  The way this battle was won is a pattern for us found in 2 Chronicles 20.  The king called all of Judah together to look to God for help.  When they fasted and presented their case to God, they stood before the Lord together with their families.  The Spirit of God spoke through the prophet to be not afraid, to take their positions, stand still and see God’s salvation. Because the people believed that word, they bowed down to worship God, then stood up and began to praise loudly. 

The king reminded them to believe what God had said.  Then he gave them the unusual battle strategy to position the choir first, before the strong warriors and their weapons.  So, the singers put on their priestly garments of praise and went out to face three enemy armies singing, “Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth forever.” One translation says, “Give thanks to Yahweh, for his loyal love is everlasting!” 

Every time someone moves out in faith, believing God for the impossible, get ready for all of heaven and even angels to move!  Lilian B. Yeomans said, God has tied Himself irrevocably to human cooperation in the execution of Divine purposes.  He has made man’s faith a determining factor in the work of redemption.”  It’s time to believe God for the supernatural!

Can you imagine Judah’s amazement as King Jehoshaphat watched angel armies come from heaven?  As a result, the enemy armies killed each other and it took three days to gather the spoil, the abundant possessions and wealth of the enemies.  God turned what seemed like destruction into great peace and prosperity.  They spent the fourth day thanking God and named that place, “The Valley of Blessing!”

These are some other examples of those who saw miracles as they believed God.  When Mary believed the message from the angel, she became the mother of Jesus.  When the early Church was being persecuted, they prayed, and God shook the place where they were.  Instead of quitting, the church multiplied, and they increased in boldness.   When Paul and Silas were in prison, they prayed and sang praises until God shook that place and saved the jailer and his entire family!

Our part is to believe God and God’s part is to do miracles.  Never remove God from your faith formula.  Just because you know how faith works doesn’t mean you know how God will do your miracle. Let God be God. Believing is the attitude of faith and speaking is the action of faith.  Believing what God has said is essential to our faith working. 

2020 is the year of increased revelation knowledge - 20/20 Vision!  If you can grow in revelation knowledge, you can grow in faith.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  2 Thessalonians 1:3 says, “...your faith groweth exceedingly.”  The kingdom of God operates by the law of faith and governs what you receive from God, so exercise your faith and it will grow exceedingly.  Your mountain needs to hear your voice.  Faith will not prevent all mountains, but it will move them!

2020 is the year to not hold back anything God has told you to do. If you don’t hold back, God won’t hold back!   Acts 20:20 in the Passion Translation says, “...I’ve not held anything back from you that would help you grow.” Whatever vision, whatever assignment, calling or dream God has put in your heart, do not hold back.  God will work with you to do everything He has promised. God will not hold back finances or His ability and grace.  He will confirm His Word with signs following. 


2020 is a year Mark Hankins Ministries and all our partners press forward to the mark of the high calling of God.  This year we want to translate books into more languages and teach through every possible means of communication.  Our desire is to target unreached people who have never heard the messages of faith, the authority of the believer and the work and the person of the Holy Spirit. We will hold International Leadership Conferences equipping pastors and leaders and putting our books in their languages, in their hands. When you bless a pastor, you bless a church. When you bless a church, you bless a city. When you bless a city, you bless a nation!

MHM Missions’ destinations for 2020 are:  Papua New Guinea, Ukraine, Albania, Greece, Croatia, Kenya, Nigeria, Colombia and Brazil.  Thank you, our partners, for helping send us to train and equip pastors and leaders in these nations!  The Holy Spirit is raining on these fields now and we know these doors are open now.  The time is now to be busy doing what Jesus has given us to do - TOGETHER!  What happens NEXT depends on what happens NOW!  Let’s gather souls and gather up the “spoil” together!  We believe the blessing of partnership is this: “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

This month we want to offer you a brand new 3 cd set Faith 2020 and our book Faith Opens the Door to the Supernatural for your offering of $20 or more.  We believe these resources will strengthen your faith as you begin this new year and you will receive EVERYTHING GOD HAS FOR YOU THIS YEAR!!!


In Christ,
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with