Mark Hankins Ministries

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June 2020 - The Precious Blood of Jesus


Several years ago, while walking through an airport, Trina noticed the book, “The Power of the Blood of Christby Andrew Murray.  She showed it to me, and I thought to myself, “Why do I need that book?  I’ve been raised in church and know all about that topic.” 

Trina read the book and left it laying around until I finally picked it up and looked at it.  After reading it I realized how much I needed to learn.  Andrew Murray said, “Faith is largely dependent on knowledge.  If knowledge of what the blood can accomplish is not accurate, then faith expects little, and the more powerful effects of the blood are limited. Feeble ideas of its power prevent the deeper and more perfect manifestations of its effects.”  Arrogance or thinking you already know all there is to know about a topic is a problem!  Regardless of your knowledge in the Word, it is possible to grow in revelation knowledge and faith in the blood of Jesus.  


To illustrate the power of the blood of Jesus, we want to share our grandson Dylan’s experience.  At 3 years old he was diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia and was fighting for his life.  After almost 2 years, just when he was about to finish his extensive treatment, we got the news that he had relapsed.  Our hearts fell when we heard this report.  The doctors told us a bone marrow transplant (BMT) was necessary to save his life.

In preparation for the BMT, the family had a conference with Dr. Yu, the highly experienced doctor who would be overseeing Dylan’s transplant.  After explaining what takes place in a stem cell transplant she asked if we had any questions.  I spoke up and asked why, after being told the leukemia was in remission, did it come back?  She explained there are two kinds of remission.  The first kind is what Dylan had during his initial treatment, when the cancer was no longer active in his blood.  The second kind is what she called “molecular remission.”   I asked what the difference was.  Dr. Yu said that after a successful BMT, the goal would be to have no evidence of cancer cells at the molecular level – that is called molecular remission. 

Gavin, Dylan’s 12-year-old brother, was chosen to be the donor.  His life- saving blood was drawn for three days and his stem cells were extracted.  Meanwhile, Dylan underwent very strong chemotherapy and several days of intense radiation to destroy his diseased bone marrow.  This treatment was preparing Dylan’s body to receive his brother’s stem cells. 


The day of the BMT came and Trina and I stood in the hall looking into his room. We had our eyes focused on the bag of Gavin’s healthy stem cells being hung on the IV pole next to Dylan’s bed.  That pole reminded us of the cross where Jesus hung and poured out His perfect blood to change our lives forever.  Dr. Yu told Dylan, “I want you to know we are getting ready to say goodbye to you!  You’ll never be the same person after this.”  The first six hours were critical. We imagined that when Dylan received Gavin’s stem cells, his body would say, “Welcome home!”

After the transplant, Dylan had to stay in strict quarantine to protect and nurture the stem cell graft.  After a few weeks, the doctor announced with a big smile, “The cells are multiplying!  The graft is taking!” 

It wasn’t long before Dylan’s bone marrow was tested and found to be 100% Gavin’s!  Through this process we learned that a BMT can change the hair, eyes, skin, and the personality of the one receiving it.  The remarkable thing is that even Dylan’s DNA changed.  That means, if Gavin committed a crime, Dylan could be convicted of it because they now have the same DNA.  Gavin was Dylan’s donor; Jesus Christ is our donor!  Think about who your donor is and all that is included in His blood! 

If medical science can do that physically, what can God do spiritually?  Just as the chemotherapy could not remove leukemia in Dylan’s blood, the Old Testament sacrifices could not perfect us or remove our sin consciousness. “The Law offered forgiveness, but the sacrifices had to be repeated every year because it was impossible for them to remove the consciousness of sin or make the comers perfect (Hebrews 10:1-4).

The goal of a BMT is absolute remission, which means there are absolutely no cancer cells in any molecules of the body.  Instead of only treating leukemia, there was a removal of the diseased bone marrow, the source of the disease.  As it was in Dylan’s case, God found a donor for us, Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice.  Instead of only forgiveness of our sin, there is absolute remission of sin. 

Remission means: cancellation of penalty and removal of guilt. Hebrews 10:17,18 AMPC says, “...their sins and their lawbreaking I will remember no more. Now where there is absolute remission (forgiveness and cancellation of the penalty) of these [sins and lawbreaking], there is no longer any offering made to atone for sin.” 

And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight. -Colossians 1:21-22

…now as a result Christ has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are standing there before him with nothing left against you —nothing left that he could even chide you for.                                    -Colossians 1:22 (TLB)    

Through the blood of Jesus, sin has now gone into 100% remission.  The Old Testament sacrifices produced the forgiveness of sin.  In the New Testament, the blood of Jesus has the power to not only remove sin from the mind of God, but also to remove sin and sin consciousness from the memory of the believer.  Now believers can be free from guilt and shame and have a revelation of the reality of their righteousness. 


Just as Gavin’s blood brought molecular remission in his brother’s body, Jesus’ perfect blood brings us absolute remission.  I can imagine God, our Great Physician, saying, “I’m fixing to say goodbye to the old sinful you!” There was a grafting process, where the divine nature of God recreated your spirit and changed everything.

Therefore, if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come.  -2 Cor. 5:17 (AMPC) 

Say goodbye to the old you!  Everything is new!  Say goodbye to sin’s dominion, say goodbye to guilt and shame, say goodbye to depression, say goodbye to old habits, say goodbye to sickness and disease, and say goodbye to poverty and lack.  The moment the blood of Jesus is applied, you can say goodbye to Satan’s dominion.  EVERYTHING IS NEW!

Dylan is now a blood brother with Gavin and there’s nothing left of his former DNA.  In the same way, we are blood brothers and sisters with Christ, “twinned” with Him, sharing His nature and identity. The power of God is released at the intersection where faith and the blood meet.  God lives in constant view of the blood of Christ and we must, too.  Faith in the blood of Jesus gives overcoming power (Rev.12:11).


This month we would like to offer you a brand-new CD set, The Precious Blood of Jesus.  This set is full of new illustrations, new revelation, and new application.  We also want to send you the CD sets, The Power of the Blood of Jesus and The Bloodline of a Champion, and the book, The Bloodline of a Champion.  For your offering of $30 or more we will send you these powerful resources on the blood of Jesus.

Eight weeks ago, we started teaching a Livestream Bible School at 10am (CST) Monday – Friday on Facebook Live and YouTube.  We also have playback available on Instagram.  We invite you to tune in and watch these powerful sessions with us.  During these daily times of teaching we are reaching people in many nations – Italy, Ireland, Colombia, Nigeria, Kenya, the Philippines, Japan, China, Pakistan, India, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Lebanon, and Ethiopia. The Word is being broadcasted around the world. Each one of these daily broadcasts is reaching between 5,000 – 10,000 people.  One of these broadcasts has reached over 50,000 people. 

The Word is still growing and multiplying.  We thank you for your faithful partnership with us and we know God will multiply your seed sown, bring in a great harvest of blessing, and make all grace abound towards you.  We declare Philippians 4:19 to you, “And my God, on the scale of his wealth, will fully supply in Christ Jesus your every need in [Heaven’s] glory.”  

In Christ,
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with
in Faith

May 2020 - Hope the Anchor for your Soul



Trina and I want to encourage you with this message of hope!   Years ago we visited the USS Midway in San Diego.  We were very impressed with this great battleship.  This aircraft carrier, which is now retired and visited by thousands of tourists each year.  It was used as a defender of freedom during World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War.  Having served for almost 50 years, it is still inspiring visitors.  We were amazed at its capacity to carry over 4,000 men and the flight deck that could launch or land two fighter jets at the same time.  Its catapult system could launch a jet off its deck so fast that in less than 3 seconds it would be flying at 165 MPH.  It was a fascinating tour.  

I was especially impressed as we entered the anchor room where the massive 40,000-pound anchor was stored. The chain that holds the anchor is wound around giant spools.  Each chain link weighs over 130 pounds.  The tour guide said that when the anchor went down to secure the ship, everyone on the ship could feel the vibration as it reached the depths of the ocean to grip a solid rock.  Likewise, in the storms of life, the Apostle Paul said that we have an anchor for our soul, which is hope that grips the Solid Rock, Christ Jesus. 

So, it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change!  And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakeable hope!  We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold.  - Hebrews 6:18-19 Passion

When my mama prayed, I could always tell when her anchor of hope was taking hold of Jesus, at the mercy seat.  That’s when her praise got loud, and she began to take God’s faithful promises as her expectation!  Everyone in the house knew everything was going to be alright!

God’s hope is different than simply wishing, like someone throwing a coin into a wishing well for good luck. The Bible definition of “hope” is a cheerful, confident expectation of good.  It is an anchor for our soul and gives us a constant, cheerful, confident expectation of His goodness.  We can expect miracles in every situation.  What Satan means for evil, God turns for our good.  This anchor holds us steady while miracles are coming.   

Abraham’s faith became strong after he took his eyes off his body and looked to God who could quicken the dead.  He began to call things that were not as though they were.  He believed in hope. When it looked impossible, he believed it was possible.  Hope is as supernatural as faith and love.  These three abide forever: faith, hope, and love.  Hope is eternal.  This hope reaches beyond the seen into the unseen realm of God.  We lay hold upon this anchor of hope.  This gives us a tremendous inner strength that the world does not understand and we have a positive expectation in every situation in life.  Christ is the source of hope in us - He is the “hope of Glory” that causes us to win in life.

Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and talk to yourself like David did in Psalms 42 and 43 when he said, “Why are you downcast, oh my soul?  Hope thou in God…I will yet praise Him who is the health of my countenance.”  Encourage yourself. The most important conversations you will ever have are with yourself.  Turn your expectation to God.  One translation says, “EXPECT GOD TO ACT.”  Hope holds you steady and changes your countenance.  Faith gives substance to our hope.  Right now begin to praise God and cheer up! 

“We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God,” Romans 5:2. Rejoice in hope!  Begin expecting, experiencing, and enjoying the goodness of God. This hope will not disappoint because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost (Romans 5:5).  This is not a false hope or disillusion but is certain through all time and eternity. Notice FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE working together.  The anchor of hope holds your soul (mind, will, and emotions) steady.  “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost,” Romans 15:13.  The Amplified Bible says it overflows and bubbles over. Let your anchor go down into God’s Word and His presence now! 


The Gospel is going to new territory! Our offer this month is the messages I ministered, Hope: The Anchor for your Soul and our book, The Bloodline of a Champion which contains a chapter concerning hope.  For your offering of $25 or more, we will send you both of these.  We trust they will be a great blessing and encouragement to your faith.  

This year has been a very unusual year for all of us.  But right in the middle of a pandemic disease and financial downturn we can and must overflow with cheerful, confident expectation.  We must believe that the goodness of God prevails over every other circumstance.  We are going forward into new territory even in this time of challenge.  We believe you are doing the same.  Now, we are broadcasting the Word through television and social media to more people than ever before with the message of faith, hope and love.  We thank you for your partnership with us that makes all this possible.  Trina and I are constantly pressing forward for the plan and purpose of God.  Jesus is Lord and the body of Christ will prevail. 

In Christ,
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

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