Mark Hankins Ministries

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Divine Approval

Several years ago, we decided to drive through a wild animal park in Oklahoma on one of our family vacations.  My daughter, Alicia, was sitting in the front passenger seat. My wife, Trina, and my son, Aaron, were sitting in the back seat. As we drove, we purchased some small buckets of feed to give the animals.

At first, all we saw were deer.  We fed the deer and they were nice and cute. Then, a llama came strolling up on Alicia's side of the van. He scared her so much that she quickly rolled up her window. I laughed and said, "I'm not afraid of a llama." The llama must have heard me say that because immediately, he came to my side of the van. I began to feed him out of my bucket. Suddenly, he forced his whole head in the window and ate out of my bucket, placing his entire head in my lap. Alicia and I began to laugh nervously.  Then the llama pulled his head out of the bucket and sneezed.  Llama spit, snot, and slimy stuff went all over the front dash and on our clothes. It was nasty and had a terrible smell. I slapped the llama's head to get him out and rolled up the window, but the damage had been done.

We left the park and headed to the nearest store to get something to clean up the mess. We finally got the slime out, but the smell was more difficult. We could smell the llama sneeze during our whole vacation every time we got in the van. That smell stayed in the van for months. The llama was gone, but the smell was still there!

Sin and satan are the same way. When the devil gets his head in your life, he will not leave until he has sneezed on you and made a mess. Jesus died on the cross, He shed His blood, and arose from the dead to undo all that the devil has done in your life. Jesus became everything sin produced, and through the new birth, you receive everything righteousness produced.  When the devil brings accusations to your mind, you need to say, "Don't talk to me. Talk to the blood. My faith is in Jesus’ blood."

Smith Wigglesworth said, "There is not one thing in me the blood does not cleanse."  The blood of Jesus not only cleanses all sin, it cleanses all unrighteousness. It removes the guilt and stain of sin and produces a righteousness consciousness.

If you minimize the significance of the gift of righteousness, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God and the substance of your faith. Ask God to give you more understanding on the gift of righteousness. Romans 1:16-17 says, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ… For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”

Your faith will be strong in the light of a revelation of righteousness. You will walk free from the weight of the old system—a religious system, man's system. You will walk as a new creation in Christ, under God's system of righteousness based on Jesus blood.  A lack of understanding or a misunderstanding about righteousness will hinder everything else in your Christian life. A right understanding and a revelation of what righteousness is and what it means will enhance everything else in your Christian life.

A righteousness consciousness will have these wonderful effects on our lives:

  • It will free us from a sense of guilt and unworthiness (Rom. 8:1).
  • It will free us from the frustration of struggling to be accepted by God (Ephesians 1:6).
  • It will free us from the fear of the consequences of sin that are in the world (Romans 5:9; Isaiah 54:14).
  • It will produce a sense of peace and security in our relationship with God and man (Romans 8:31; Isaiah 32:17).
  • It will cause our whole being to swing over into harmony with God (Rom. 1:16, 5:1).
  • It frees us from oppression and fear (Isaiah 54:14; Genesis 3:9,10).
  • It frees us from a sense of inadequacy (1 Corinthians 1:30).

 Here are three things to remember about righteousness:

  • It is a free gift. You can't earn it or buy it (Romans 5:17).
  • Righteousness deals with the sin problem (2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 5:19).
  • It is the divine nature of God and a spiritual force (Romans 8:10; Romans 6:18).

 Even if we know some things about righteousness, we must confess and meditate on the scriptures. As our minds are renewed, we will receive more revelation that we are God's righteousness, which will free us from sin consciousness. You will also see amazing results in your prayer life (James 5:16). Your life will grow brighter, "The way of the righteous is like morning light that gets brighter and brighter till it is full day," Proverbs 4:18 (CEB).


This month we want to offer you our book and CD set, Divine Approval.  We believe you will get more revelation on righteousness than ever before. Through the blood of Jesus, you have been made 100% righteous! Your faith cannot be any stronger than your revelation of righteousness.  For your offering of $20 or more we will send you both the book and cd set that will feed your faith. 

Thank you so much for your faithful monthly partnership. This summer we will be preaching in several campmeetings and conferences. The Word is growing and multiplying through the meetings, the book distribution, the television program, and all of our media outlets. Thank you for praying for us and for your generosity.  We declare to you our partners, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:19. 

In Christ,
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

Righteousness Revealed

Understanding you have God’s divine approval on your life sets you free from the sense of rejection, inadequacy, or inferiority.  You are confident you have God’s approval.  You are free to receive God’s best blessings and to follow His plan for your life.  This confidence in God sets you free from constantly seeking approval from others.

One of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible is righteousness. The Gospel of Christ is a revelation of the righteousness of God. The center of the Gospel reveals the righteousness of God.  I call righteousness a radical revelation, a revolutionary revelation. It is a reality that is produced for us by the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto

salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith:

as it is written, the just shall live by faith.  Romans 1:16-17

For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with Himself.  (GNB)

It reveals God’s way of making men as righteous as himself.  (Lovett)

Paul says the Gospel is the power of God and he mentions faith three times. Your faith cannot be any stronger than your revelation of righteousness. Your faith works best when you have a righteousness consciousness.

There are many benefits to righteousness.  The Old Testament talks about this in Proverbs 28:1, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.”  Psalm 112:3 says, “...wealth and riches shall be in the house of the righteous.”  One of my favorites is Psalm 68:3, “But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.”  James 5:16 says, “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  The Amplified Bible says, “makes tremendous power available.”

As a young Christian, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin (Dad Hagin), went to a church where he got a “truckload” of unworthiness.  Then he went to another church, he got a “double truckload” of unworthiness.  After reading James 5:16, he said, “If I ever get to be righteous, my prayer is going to be powerful!”  In other words, he did not have a revelation of the righteousness of God yet.    

In his book, I Believe in Visions, Dad Hagin tells of a vision he had of Jesus.  When he saw Jesus, he fell at His feet and said, “No one as unworthy as I am should look at your face.”  Jesus told Dad Hagin to stand up on his feet, because He had washed him in His blood and made him worthy.  He received the radical revelation that Jesus had made him worthy.

There are very important things to remember about righteousness. 1. Righteousness is a free gift. You cannot do anything to earn righteousness - it is a gift from God. 2. Righteousness is a legal declaration.  You have been declared righteous and are now justified by God.  3.  Righteousness is a spiritual force.

“They who receive the abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life through one man, Jesus Christ,” Romans 5:17.  Notice it says they who receive. You cannot earn this gift, but you must receive the gift of righteousness.  When you understand what you have received, you will reign like a king in life.   You will not be a victim any longer, but you will be a victor.

Romans 4:25 says, “Jesus was delivered up for our sin and raised for our justification.” Jesus died because of our sins and was raised because of our justification. The Fenton translation says Jesus was raised “through our righteousness.”  Jesus could not be and was not raised from the dead until you were declared righteous and the penalty for sin was paid in full.  One way to understand the word “justified” is to break it down this way: just – as – if - I’d never sinned.  Everything Jesus did was for you and you were declared justified or righteous

A LEGAL DECLARATIO                                                                       

This gift of righteousness means you have escaped sin consciousness, the dominion of sin and Satan. Romans 6:14 says, “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”  You have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of His dear Son.

The Jordan translation of Colossians 1:12,13 is descriptive: “It was the Father who sprang us from the jail house of darkness, and turned us loose in the new world of His beloved Son.” This is a really good picture, except for one thing.  When you read “He sprang us from the jail house of darkness,” you may be thinking, “I’ve been saved and made righteous.”  However, you may unconsciously see your righteousness as a jailbreak. The fact is, Jesus did not break you out of jail.  You were legally justified by the highest court and the highest judge in the land.  Therefore, you are not running from the law.  There is no one chasing you.  You are not going through the swamp and you do not have on the old uniform.  You were legally declared justified and righteous, and you legally walked out of the jail house of sin in front of everybody as the righteousness of God in Christ.  You have divine approval.  You do not have to hide from your past because you have been declared justified.  You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 


The Good News shows how God makes people right with Himself," Romans 1:16 (Deaf). Thank you, our partners, for helping us publish the Good News to people in many nations. Your continued prayer and financial partnership are helping to print and distribute books, support missionaries and pastors in many nations and broadcast the Word through television around the world. This month for your gift of any amount, we will send you the book and 4CD set titled, Divine Approval.  We believe you will have a revelation of righteousness that will take you to the next level.

We want to personally invite you to start your 2024 off with us at our Spirit of Faith - Breaking Barriers Conference, January 9-11, at our new MHM Conference Center.  We expect a great time in the Word and the Holy Spirit and would love to have you here with us.

Thank you for your continued and faithful partnership with us.  We declare to you, our partners, “My God will supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

In Christ,
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with
