Mark Hankins Ministries

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January 2018 - A Year of Growth & Expansion

We believe 2018 is the year God is calling all of us to increase.  He has commissioned us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, teaching and making disciples.  He is calling us to increase, to grow, and to expand.

Through the outreach of Mark Hankins Ministries in 2018, we are making plans to minister in the nations of Nigeria, Zambia, Brazil, Mexico, Kenya, Italy, Ukraine, Colombia, and the Navajo Nation in the United States.  We believe the Divine connections being made from a highway for the Gospel to change pastors who change churches, who change cities and who change nations.

It is our goal this year to translate and distribute more of our books in the languages of Portuguese, Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Arabic, French, German, Russian, Italian, and Navajo.  Some books will be translated and also made into audio books for those people groups who do not read.  The cost to translate and print one book is about $5,000.  Many churches have stepped forward to sponsor the completion of one of these projects.  These materials will have long term effectiveness and reach further than we can go.

Partnership is the way for great things to be accomplished.  With everyone praying and giving their part, the message Jesus Christ has committed to us of faith, redemption, generosity, and the power of the Holy Spirit will be made available to more people than ever before.

Through your prayer and giving the supply of the Holy Spirit is made available!  Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with us in World Missions.  The promise you have as a partner is this from Philippians 4:19: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!” 

We believe 2018 is a year of growth and expansion!  Jesus is coming soon and may He find us involved in His harvest!

We are debtors to every man to give him the gospel in the same measure in which we have received it. -P.F. Bresee

In Christ,
Mark and Trina Hankins

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

November 2017 - The Holy Spirit

The Holy Ghost is a genius. If you will listen to Him, He will make you look smart. - B.B. Hankins

The Holy Ghost is not just smart; He is a genius. When you listen, cooperate, and respond to Him, He will make you look smart. When the enemy has a scheme or strategy to come against you or your family, the Holy Spirit will warn you. He’s a genius. He knows what the devil has planned. The Holy Spirit also knows what God has planned for you. He is concerned with every area of your life. If you will listen to Him, He will make you successful.

Since He is a genius, He knows everything. He knows the mind of God and everything that Jesus has purchased for us.  It is great to have a genius living in you. The Holy Ghost is also a gentleman and will not interrupt you. Until you stop and recognize Him, He will allow you to keep doing what you are doing.  You must stop and say, “Alright, what would the Genius like to say?”

I heard Dad Hagin say the Lord told him, “If we would be led by the Holy Spirit He would make us rich.” He said the word “rich” means to have an abundant supply. If we are led by the Holy Spirit, He will bring us into the blessing of the Lord and we will be a blessing to others. The Holy Spirit will help you in every area of your life. He will help you know who to marry, where to work, what kind of car to buy, when to buy a house, and what to do with your money. The Holy Ghost is a genius. He knows everything.




The death, burial, resurrection, and the Word of God are essential to faith. However, if that was all you needed, God would not have sent the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes what Jesus has done for us and translates it into personal victory.  In John 14, 15, 16 Jesus teaches much about the Holy Spirit.  Whole chapters of Paul’s epistles are devoted to teaching the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit transmits the mind of Christ to us, but we must learn to recognize, respond and yield to Him.  We can think like God when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. If you want to study the mind of a genius, be filled with the Holy Spirit. He gives us uncommon intelligence, insight, and understanding.




P.C. Nelson wrote the book of fundamental Bible doctrines for the Assemblies of God. He was a Greek and Hebrew scholar, fluent in 32 different languages. The Greek word for Comforter is Parakletos, which means Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby. P.C. Nelson explains the Holy Spirit, our Advocate has excellence in these three areas: 1) His exceptional knowledge  2) His expertise in protocol and procedure  3) His persuasive speaking ability.  When the Holy Spirit is working on our case we have a tremendous advantage. He has a reputation for winning cases. William Barclay tells what the Comforter provides for you:


The kind of comfort and consolation in distress which keeps a man on his feet when left to himself, he would collapse. It is the comfort which enables a man or woman to pass the breaking point and not break. One who is called in to help in a situation with which a man by himself cannot cope. He exhorts men to high deeds and noble thoughts.


One of my heroes of faith, Smith Wigglesworth, wrote a book, Ever Increasing Faith.  Here are a few powerful statements about the Holy Spirit from that book: “It’s impossible to over-estimate the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not only a luxury.  It is a Divine command.”




This month we are so excited to offer you 2 CD sets on the Holy Spirit and the book, Let the Good Times Roll.  We believe as you feed on the Word – you will maintain a SPIRIT-FILLED life!  The Holy Spirit wants to be your BEST FRIEND and help you in every situation.  For your offering of $35 or more we will send you these messages. 

One of the assignments we have is to strengthen ministers and leaders.  When my dad was a young pastor, he was encouraged every Monday morning by a visit from one of his church members who believed this: “If you can keep the lead mule going, you can keep the whole mule train moving!”  That is what we’ve been doing this fall in several leadership meetings. We’ll soon be in the U.K., the Las Vegas Supernatural Leadership Conference, and Bogota, Colombia, where pastors attend from many South American countries. Remember, your prayer gives the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ and your financial partnership helps us to fulfill this vision:  Bless a pastor, bless a church.  Bless a church, bless a city.  Bless a city, bless a nation!  And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

In Christ,
Mark and Trina Hankins

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