Mark Hankins Ministries

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July 2018 - The REAL You

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 

I’ll never forget Mr. Cates, my high school biology teacher.  He taught about the study of living things.  He said every living being belongs to one of two kingdoms:  the plant kingdom or the animal kingdom.  He emphasized the fact that humans are part of the animal kingdom. In fact, one day he had everyone raise their hand to affirm that they belonged in the animal kingdom.  Everyone raised their hand in class, everyone—except me. He looked at me very strongly and questioned me, “Now Mr. Hankins, what are you?  You say you’re not a plant or animal? What are you?”   To add to his frustration, I answered, “Neither.  I’m a spirit being, made in the image of God.”  He shot back, “I’m not talking about religion!” I confidently said, “Me, neither!”   The discussion was over!

In 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Paul gives us the three-part nature of man: he is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body.  This is like a transparency that can be laid over everything Paul teaches.  Your spirit, or pneuma, is the REAL YOU!  Your soul, or psuche, is your mind, will and emotions and it operates through your brain.  Now we all know what the body is.  The Greek word for body is soma.  It is designed to carry and express your spirit, the real you.  The Bible calls it your flesh, which is like a three-year old, wanting what it wants when it wants it.  Your body, mind and emotions will gang up on your spirit and bully THE REAL YOU - YOUR SPIRIT.  

God strengthens and guides you through your spirit. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God,” (Romans 8:14).  “But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding,” (Job 32:8).  

How can we access the Holy Spirit and everything in the spirit dimension?  Through our spirit.  God is called the “Father of spirits,” (Hebrews 12:9).  Jesus taught how to worship Him: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth,” (John 4:24).   Paul calls the spirit the “inward man.”  From Paul’s letters we can learn to walk, worship, pray, rejoice, be strong and as well as see in the spirit. Paul teaches about the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.  

Where is man’s spirit?  Proverbs 20:27 gives us the location of the spirit and its activity, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”  Jesus used the same words in John 7:38, “…out of your belly, or your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”

The clearest picture of the spirit is found in Romans 8 where the word, spirit, or pneuma, is used 21 times.  For example, Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  Phillip’s translation of Romans 8:2 reveals the lifting power: “For the new spiritual principle of life “in” Christ Jesus lifts me out of the old vicious circle of sin and death.”  In other words, THE REAL YOU, your spirit, has been liberated and set free.  Now your flesh, your thoughts and emotions, and even the devil can’t dominate or bully you.  

The only way a Christian can be defeated is if they are spiritually depleted.  This takes place when a believer is controlled by physical impulses or their mind, will and emotions.  Some Christians are struggling to act right and talk right, but fail because they’re relying on their own efforts instead of the help of the Holy Spirit. Being controlled by the physical senses keeps a person in the natural realm where the devil can dominate and manipulate them.  The devil is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).  You don’t have to be evil to be natural and not know God.  1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”  Dad Hagin said, “Any person who shuts his spirit away and refuses to develop it will become crippled in life and a victim of scheming people.”  

I like how James Stalker explains man’s deepest struggle in the book, The Life of St. Paul:


The nature of man, according to Paul, normally consists of three sections - body, soul, and spirit. (To emphasize proper order, I refer to it as spirit, soul and body.)  In his original constitution these occupied definite relations of superiority and subordination to one another, the spirit being supreme, the body least important, and the soul occupying the middle position.  But the Fall disarranged this order, and all sin consists in the usurpation by the body or the soul in the place of the spirit.  In fallen man these two inferior sections of human nature, which together form what Paul calls the “flesh,” or that side of human nature that looks toward the world and time, have taken possession of the throne and completely rule the life, while the spirit, the side of man that looks toward God and eternity, has been dethroned and reduced to a condition of inefficiency and death.  Christ restores the lost pre-dominance of the spirit of man by taking possession of it by His own Spirit.  His Spirit dwells in the human spirit, vivifying it and sustaining it in such growing strength that it becomes more and more the sovereign part of man’s constitution.  The man ceases to be carnal and becomes spiritual; he is led by the Spirit of God and becomes more and more harmonious with all that is holy and divine. The flesh does not, indeed, easily submit to the loss of supremacy. It clogs and obstructs the spirit and fights to regain position of the throne.  Paul has described this struggle in sentences of stark vividness, in which all generations of Christians have recognized the features of their deepest experience.


We are not without help. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered,” (Romans 8:26). The Greek word for helpeth, means “to take hold together with you against” your infirmity.  

Rick Renner gives light on the full meaning of the word infirmities in the Greek.   He says it describes a crippling disease, a mental oppression, a recurring plague, which is terminal and incurable. The Spirit makes intercession for you with “groanings which cannot be uttered.”  The example is when one has fallen into a pit and cannot help himself.  This is when the Spirit makes intercession, or gets into the pit with you; He shares your feelings.   He helps you pray with intercession beyond your natural language, with inarticulate speech and groanings.  This is the same intercession Jesus told Peter He used when praying for him in Luke 22:31-32.  Jesus said He was standing against the power of Satan who desired to sift Peter as wheat. Jesus’ prayer was effective, fervent and made much power available.   

The Holy Spirit is not afraid of any mess. The same way that a first responder enters a scene where help is immediately needed, the Holy Spirit comes just when you need Him. He gets in the pit with you, in your weakness, sin or struggle, and takes you to victory.  

There is a barn on my property and one day a pest control company informed me that I had termites.  I told them to exterminate them.  I wasn’t falling to pieces about them, because I, personally, did not have termites - my barn did.  In the same way, if you are dealing with sin, bad habits, attitudes, or thoughts, YOU don’t have the “termites,” but your house - your body, soul, mind may have them.  The good news is you can get rid of them through the power of the Spirit.  Paul explains it this way.  “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live,” (Romans 8:13).  Through the help of the Holy Spirit, God helps to silence every evil voice, depression or struggle you’re dealing with.  You can mortify or deaden the evil impulses of the body through the Holy Spirit.  You can charge your spirit up by praying in the Spirit (Jude 20). When your spirit is charged up, it keeps your mind and body from dominating you.

  The same way you can trust God, you can trust in the Spirit of God who lives in you!  “God raised Jesus from the dead, and if God’s Spirit is living in you, he will also give life to your bodies that die. God is the One who raised Christ from the dead, and he will give life through his Spirit that lives in you,” Romans 8:11 (NCV).  He will bring to your whole being new strength and vitality. 

We are so excited to offer you a brand new 3 CD’s:  Spirit, Soul, and Body – Discovering the REAL You!  We believe these messages will challenge your faith and cause you to live by your spirit on the inside of you – the REAL YOU!  We also want to offer our book, Paul’s System of Truth.  

The past few months have been very fruitful months.  We have traveled to Mexico, Ukraine and Kenya – training pastors and leaders in meetings in each of these countries.  We have also been able to distribute books in all these nations.  We were thrilled to have three of our books translated in Russian for the conference in Ukraine.  Everyone got copies of these books and the training will continue on through the printed page.  We also are in the final stages of getting our first book translated and distributed in Albania.  

We are so thankful for your partnership with us in World Missions.  Every book that is distributed, every pastor and leader that is ministered to, every church that is strengthened, YOUR PARTNERSHIP IS MAKING THIS POSSIBLE.   We may be the ones traveling and ministering in these nations but your prayers and partnership are the fuel behind everything we do and we are so thankful!  Not only do we thank you but people all over the world are thanking you for sowing into World Missions.  We declare to you our World Misisons Partners: “Our God shall supply all of your need according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus!”

 In Christ,
Mark and Trina

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June 2018 - Revelation Knowledge

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.  Ephesians 1:17-23


This prayer for revelation knowledge affects the eyes of your heart. It changes the way you see everything because the Holy Spirit opens the door to understanding the Word of God and the realm of the Spirit. The very moment light or revelation knowledge comes, faith is present. Revelation knowledge will always capture your imagination.

Some of the most prevalent crimes in this day and age involve breaking into computer systems. This is known as “hacking.” However, there is a system which can never be hacked. It is God’s Kingdom system. Once you are born again, you are granted access into the Spirit realm where you can download divine secrets. Regarding kingdom secrets Jesus said in Luke 10:21, “Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” Man does not discover God. He reveals Himself. We know God through revelation knowledge.

Paul was not at a disadvantage because he never personally met Jesus in His earthly ministry, but Paul understood revelation knowledge and knew the thoughts of Jesus better than the disciples. In the same way, through revelation knowledge you can know Him better today than those who walked with Him on the earth. Revelation knowledge takes you past the regional, historical, geographical, and theological knowledge of God and brings you into the inspirational.  All scripture is God-breathed and inspired by God. It is personal and will reveal your true identity and purpose. 

For example, when Jesus went to the temple, He found the place in Isaiah 61, where it was written about Him and said, “This is me! Today this scripture is talking about me.”  John the Baptist found himself in Isaiah 40 through revelation knowledge. When Jesus asked Peter who He was, Peter had a flash of revelation and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Then Jesus told Peter that flesh and blood had not revealed it unto him, but His Father. At that moment, Peter got his identity and calling from Jesus: “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” (Matthew 16:17-18).

Just as Peter found his identity from Jesus, you can also find yourself in the Word today. He’ll talk to you right there in your house. You used to read the Bible to go to sleep. Now you read it and you can’t go to sleep! “He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned,” (Isaiah 50:4). The Holy Spirit takes you to the “video department” of the Word.  He speaks to you, giving you dreams and visions, affecting your eyes, giving you revelation that captures your imagination. Revelation knowledge is progressive.  It comes alive, just like He wrote it 3,000 years ago for you today.

Living by faith is really living by revelation knowledge. Every advance in faith is an advance in revelation. Revelation knowledge will literally change your identity, like it did for Gideon (Judges 6). God calls you things there’s no evidence that they exist. Yet, when they’re real on the inside—there’s nothing in the world that can stop it from showing up on the outside.  The power of His Word is all you need.

The Word is progressive, continuous, and endless. The Holy Spirit unlocks your understanding and brings great joy. Information alone puffs you up, but revelation from God brings radical change and results.  You will experience brand new revelation as you ask for the three things God wants us to know in the Ephesians 1 prayer:  His calling, His inheritance, and His power

Jesus grew in wisdom and knowledge by studying the scriptures (Luke 2). At age twelve, His parents found Him in the temple, wiser than the doctors of the law. It is said that David was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the wisdom found in Proverbs for his son, Solomon, to live successfully.  Some scholars say, what was written in the Proverbs was actually wisdom from God, the Father for His Son, Jesus to have while He was on the earth.  Like Christ, we must find ourselves in the scriptures and grow in revelation knowledge.

“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust,” (2 Peter 1:3-4).  This is the way we can know our calling, live victoriously and reach our destiny through the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

If you want to know MORE, possess MORE fire of revelation, and walk in MORE of God’s power, you need these inspired messages from our BRAND NEW cd set, Revelation Knowledge: Breaking Barriers.” For an offering of $25, we will send you the CDs and our book, Revolutionary Revelation. Your partnership in prayer and giving enables this liberating message to transform more lives around the world. We declare to you, our partners that: “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!”


In Christ,
Mark and Trina

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