Mark Hankins Ministries

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October 2010 - The Unlimited Language of the Holy Spirit

Tongues: The Unlimited Language of the Holy Spirit 

During World War II, there was tremendous fighting in the Pacific region against the Japanese who were taking nation after nation.  The U.S. troops suffered many casualties because their radio messages were being intercepted and deciphered by the enemy.  Military commanders searched for a perfect code that couldn’t be broken. It was discovered that Navajo soldiers spoke a “hidden language” only used in their families, which at that time had no alphabet or symbols and had never been written down.  So, Navajo men were trained and sent to the Pacific to use their language as the secret code that saved lives and won many battles.

One of the Japanese said, “What is that language? It sounds like they’re talking underwater.”  To them, it didn’t sound like much, but it was the language of the “Navajo Code Talkers” or “Windtalkers,” as they were called. Because the code talkers were so valuable, each one was assigned a Marine to protect them.  When U.S. soldiers were pinned down, the Navajo code talkers could send a message to activate military action in two minutes instead of what used to take hours! Their language identified the exact location of the enemy and enabled the Navy, Air Force, and Marines to target and destroy them.  These code talkers risked their lives to deliver their messages.   The Navajo code was vital to the victory in Saipan and every major battle in the Pacific. 

Speaking in Tongues, The Spirit Code

In the Church, there is a “Holy Spirit Code” vital to our victory in this world.  We are in a battle with the powers of darkness, a battle more intense than the battles fought in the Pacific region.  Lives and nations are being lost and we must have the help of the Holy Spirit now more than ever.  In Acts 2, God gave the Church a supernatural “code language” the devil could not break, called speaking with other tongues.   Since everything in this life happens by speaking, God gave us His language to speak supernaturally.  Believers not only worship in the Spirit, but they also speak out holy information, activate Heaven’s troops, and send reinforcements.  Just as the Navajo Code Talkers were protected by Marines, every believer has angels assigned to protect them.

We have access to all of Heaven’s resources through the blood of Jesus and the power and language of the Holy Spirit. This unlimited language gives unlimited access to all of the Holy Spirit’s resources.  The devil hates it when believers speak in tongues because mysteries are accessed and he cannot comprehend what is being said.  He tries to stop, confuse, and distract Christians to keep them from speaking divine secrets. In 1 Corinthians 14:2 the Apostle Paul writes, “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit, he speaketh mysteries” (divine secrets).  Verse 18 goes on to say, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all.” Paul valued praying in tongues, and he wished all the Corinthians spoke with tongues (1 Corinthians 14:5)!

I call speaking with tongues “God’s head by-pass operation.”  Why would God want to by-pass your head? You should know the answer to that!  One reason is that you have “blockages” there, and your thinking needs to change.  Religion and the devil will fight you about speaking in tongues, but praying in the Spirit is a secret, hidden, and unlimited language of dominion and revelation connecting you to the mind of Christ.

Jude 20 says we build up ourselves on our most holy faith praying in the Spirit. It takes faith to speak in tongues, so your faith is strengthened.  The book of James says that the tongue is the most difficult member of your body to control and it influences your entire body, so if you yield it to the Holy Spirit, you will gain victory in every other area.  Many receive healing for their bodies when they are filled with the Holy Spirit! Receiving the Holy Spirit will take all your receiving to a whole new dimension. 

God desires to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think according to the power working in you as you are strengthened with His mighty power. (Ephesians 3:16,20).  Speaking in tongues will take your prayer life to another level, strengthen your spirit, and give you an advantage over Satan’s strategies.  You will win in areas where you were previously defeated.  You now have the “Access Code” of the Spirit to help you activate and fulfill the plan and purposes of God.

MHM Missions Report 

To help you study more on this powerful topic, for a gift of $25 or more we will send you our brand new set called, “Tongues: The Unlimited Language of the Holy Spirit” (4 CDs) along with “The Holy Spirit: My Best Friend” (4 CDs) and “The Holy Spirit: The Person and His Works” (3 CDs).

Your partnership in prayer and giving enabled us to distribute our books in Portuguese to pastors and leaders in Brazil in September. Thank you for sending us to Nepal in November, helping us to bring in pastors from remote regions and put our Nepalese books into their hands.  In December we will again be part of the powerful Colombia leadership meeting touching South and Central America. 

These are days of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit around the world. Together, we carry out the Great Commission!  My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!

In Christ,

Mark and Trina Hankins

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with
in Faith

September 2019 - Failure Is Not An Option

     These words were spoken by the ICU doctor as Dylan, our three-year old grandson, was fighting for his life.  I thought, “I like that doctor.  Keep him in here.”  We had watched Dylan grow weaker with alarming symptoms which, we learned later, had been misdiagnosed.  It became so difficult for him to breathe one night; he was rushed to the emergency room where they discovered his white blood cell count was critically high.  After being transferred to a hospital where they could properly treat him, the doctor told us Dylan had stage four leukemia with a large mass in his chest.  This mass was closing off his airway.
     Dylan was put in a medically induced coma so he could be treated.  At one time 14 machines were working to keep him alive.  His parents, loved ones, and countless friends joined together in faith-filled prayers.   We believed Jesus, the Great Physician, was directing everything being done medically through the doctors and devoted nurses.   The situation looked impossible!   At that point someone asked, what would happen if a certain treatment failed. The doctor spoke these words that still impact us today: “Failure is not an option!”  That was a turning point for Dylan. 
     The critical procedure of removing the diseased blood, vial by vial was next.  Every drop of his blood was replaced by the healthy, living blood of a donor.   From that moment things started to turn.  Every day Dylan needed a miracle, as there was a fight for his kidneys, his lungs or other organs to function.  We continued to pray, speak the Word and worship God and one of the doctors said, “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!”   This is what we did. We released our faith in the blood of Jesus for every situation.  We declared, “Devil, you cannot win this case! Jesus already paid for our redemption!”  There is a fight, but it’s a faith fight.  The blood of Jesus has already won the battle and purchased complete redemption from the curse of the law (Gal.3:13), but the victory must be enforced with a testimony of faith.
     I saw my daughter’s face drop after the doctor said Dylan may never talk again and I reminded her we didn’t have what he said, but according to Mark 11:23, we have what we say.  We will never forget the day we heard Dylan talk again.  He is an overcomer and is healed by Jesus’ stripes!


     The powerful evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth said, “There’s not one thing in me the blood does not cleanse.”  When he prayed for a paralyzed man who felt too unworthy to be healed, Wigglesworth spoke these powerful words from Psalm 130:3 to the dying man, “If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” He said, “I want you to forget everything, except what the Bible says about Jesus.”  The man put his attention only on Jesus and was healed.
     Just as the life-saving blood of the donor replaced the diseased blood in Dylan’s body, the precious redeeming blood of Jesus has replaced our sin nature with God’s own righteousness.  Your trust in God alone immediately qualifies you for His best blessings.   The blood not only removes sin, but the stain and memory of it as well. 

Many have said, “Oh, I’ve missed it so, I wish I could forget about the past, those mistakes, and those faults and those failures, and even the wrong and sin that I did. Yea, saith the Lord, do not count as nothing My blood.  Remember My blood, the precious blood, the divine blood of the divine Son of God was shed for the remission of sin. And yea, the Lord has declared, “I, even I Am He that blots out thy transgressions, and I will not remember thy sins.  So do not dwell on the past.  Think no longer of that which is past. And when the enemy shall bring a picture of it before your mind, just laugh and say, “Ha, ha! That does not exist, Mr. Devil!” - Prophetic word from Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin

     Resist the accusations of the devil with faith in the blood of Jesus.  You must look the devil in the face and take your victory and shout, “I have faith in the blood and failure is not an option!”


     Don’t let the lies of the enemy torment you, instead strengthen your faith in the blood of Jesus.  Take advantage of this special offer for your gift of $25 or more:  the book and the four CD set called “The Bloodline of a Champion,” along with a new two CD set titled “Failure Is Not An Option.” 
     With your partnership, the goal to publish our books in 100 languages is being achieved. Books go to places we cannot go. Thanks to you, the German language is now added to that list! Our books in Portuguese and Nepalese will be distributed during the upcoming mission trips to Brazil in September and Nepal in November. Your giving will help us equip pastors and leaders in remote regions of the world. Thank you for sending us! The blessing of faithful partnership is this: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

In Christ,
Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

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