Mark Hankins Ministries

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April 2020 - The Praise Cure


Currently, much of the world is paralyzed with the fear of the Coronavirus.  The government, our economy, churches, schools, and businesses have all been shaken by this severe outbreak.  The Coronavirus actually got its name because it looks like a crown.  However, the Coronavirus has been de-throned through Jesus’ Name, which is above every name.  Jesus has been crowned Lord of all!  As believers, we share in His victory and reign in life through Jesus’ Name.  We must be delivered from fear and doubt.  Jesus said in Mark 9:23 that if you can believe, all things are possible.  The cure for unbelief is feeding on the Word of God and giving praise to God.   If unbelief is curable, nothing is incurable!  

In Dr. Lilian B. Yeomans’ message, The Praise Cure, she tells about a missionary to China years ago who ministered fearlessly to a sister missionary with smallpox.  While ministering, a very bad case of confluent smallpox (that’s what it looked like to the doctors) came on the missionary and she did not know what to do.  She asked the Lord and He told her to sing and praise Him for His faithfulness to His Word. 

The doctor isolated her and told her to lie quiet, but she said if she didn't praise God the very stones would cry out.  So, she sang and sang and praised and praised.  The doctor said he feared for her life and her case was serious and awful complications threatened.  But she praised and praised and sang and sang.  The doctor said she was evidently delirious, but he had so little help that he couldn't restrain her - and she sang and sang and praised and praised.  He told her that if by any chance she recovered, she would be disfigured for life - and she sang and praised louder than ever.  The doctor asked, "Why do you praise so much?"  She answered, "Because I have so many pox on me.  God shows me I must praise Him for each one separately."  And she kept right at it.

The Lord had shown her a vision of two baskets, one containing her praising, which was half full and the other was her testing, which was fullHe told her that the praise basket must be filled so that it would out weigh the other, so she kept at it.  Her songs and shouts were so Spirit-filled that they were contagious, and the Christian nurses couldn't resist joining in, so they kept the place ringing.  At last the Lord showed her that the praise basket was full and overflowing.  She saw it sink and the testing basket rise in the air.  In a moment, as it seemed, the eruption and all the symptoms vanished, leaving no trace – not even a scar. 

Yes, the praise cure works every time.  It is not unpleasant; rather it is delightful. The cost of it has been paid for by Jesus, and it is available at any moment to each of us.  Are you ready to begin it?  The last part of 1 Peter 1:8 tells us exactly how to begin, "Believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory."  Just believe what God says Jesus has done for you, Spirit, soul and body.  Think about it, talk about it, sing about it, shout about it, and the praise cure has begun.  You are not to take it once a year but all the time. 

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.  Hebrews 13:15


In 2 Chronicles 20, when God's people began to sing and to say, “Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth forever,” the Lord set ambushments against the enemies and they spent three days gathering the spoil! God has ordained strength to come out of the mouth to still the enemy (Psalm 8:2). Jesus used the word praise for strength. Be like Abraham: “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform” (Romans 4:20, 21).  Your praise will cause you to be fully persuaded!

You just need to keep your praise basket full!  “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). Praise is vocal. It can be seen and heard by others.  In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were bound, their hands and feet in stocks, but the authorities forgot to tape their mouths shut!  When they began to pray and sing praises, God shook the entire prison, and everyone was set free.  As long as you have a voice, there's no prison that can hold you!  Your voice is your address in the spirit.

This month we want to offer you Trina’s book, God’s Healing Word, and the brand-new set of 3 cd’s called The Praise Cure.  We want to offer these products at 50% off to you right now.  The praise cure story is in both the book and the cd set.  These are great messages of faith and hope to share with those around you who may be struggling with fear.  We bind the spirit of fear and release the power of Jesus’ Name to heal and continually make you well.

We are very thankful for your monthly partnership with us in World Missions.  We are also excited to announce that we now have Unlimited Digital Download on our website  You can go online anytime and download the MP3’s of all our messages for free.  God bless you and keep the praise cure going! 

In Christ,

Mark and Trina

Posted by Mark and Trina Hankins with

March 2020 - Redemption Realities


If you are not impressed with who you are and what you have In Christ, then you have not seen Him lately.  Jesus is Lord and Master of all.  When He arose from the dead, He said, “All power in Heaven and earth is given unto me.” He has conquered death in all its phases, sin and all its consequences, Satan and all of his works…and we are In Him.  The Apostle Paul uses the phrases: “In Christ, In Him, and In Whom” over 130 times in his letters.  God did In Christ what He wanted to do in every man.  When God raised Jesus from the dead, we were raised up together with Him.  When He sat down, we sat down with Him. God saw us In Christ.  In the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, God was working In Christ, but He was not working on Christ.  He was working on us!  God was working on us In Christ.  In Him we are made new creatures.  In Him we are made righteous.  In Him we are redeemed. God saw us there on the cross with Jesus.  God saw us there made alive In Him.  However, it does not do us any good unless we can see ourselves In ChristWe look a whole lot better In Him than we do outside of Him.


Jesus did not go through the agony of Gethsemane and the cruel crucifixion just to help us a little bit. What happened in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ has changed everything.  Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Everything becomes new In Christ.  Jesus changes everything.  Nothing is the same.  Everything is different.  You are such a “new” person In Christ that you will have to let God introduce you to your new self.  We are not the same person.  We have a new identity.  In Christ, we are not just a forgiven sinner, but a new creature.  We must have a God-given change of identity to reach our God-planned destiny.  Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Gideon, Peter and Paul are a few people who experienced that change.  However, God is still changing people and fulfilling destinies today.

In his book, The Life of Paul, James Stalker states: “Paul’s letters contain the thoughts that Jesus carried away from this world unuttered. They are the advanced teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  That must mean that Ephesians, Colossians and Romans also contain red letters.”  Paul’s letters are the post-resurrection teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  The successful Christian must spend the majority of their time studying the epistles where we find the revelation of who we are and what we have In Christ.  From here, we go on to further revelation concerning the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

P.C. Nelson declared that “No great preacher has arisen to bless the people of God who has not lighted his torch at the flame kindled by Paul,” (The Letters of Paul). As true as that statement is, we do not have to be a preacher to light our torch at the flame kindled by Paul.  Paul was writing to believers.  Every believer can be on fire with the revelation of Christ.  The Holy Spirit today is faithful to teach us the things of Christ (John 16:12-15).  The Holy Spirit takes all that Christ has done for us and makes it a reality in us.  He will show us the picture of us In Christ and paint that picture on the canvas of our mindThe Holy Spirit takes what Jesus Christ has done for us and translates it into personal victory. 


As a believer, it is now your responsibility to hold fast to your confession of who you are In Christ.  DON’T LET IT SLIP!  Your faith confession creates realities.  God sees you In Christ.  The Holy Spirit will help you to see how God sees you.  Remember, you look a lot better In Christ than you do outside of Him.  Check out these scriptures: 2 Cor. 5:21, 2 Cor. 2:14, Col. 1:12-14, Col. 2:9, 10, Eph.1:3, Eph.2:10, Romans 3:24, and Romans 8:2. You are looking better already!


SUPERNATURAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2020 will be life-changing for pastors, leaders, ministry of helps, youth, and children ministers.  You will go to a new level in your church and fulfill God’s plan for you this year.  We are offering sessions with seasoned and experienced ministers that cover both the practical and the supernatural sides of ministry and will help your ministry to explode in 2020 or more.

We want to offer you our brand-new cd set called “Redemption Realities” from a series we recently taught at Kenneth Copeland Ministries Bible College.  Along with this, we want include the cd set “What Happened In Christ and the book, Paul’s System of Truth.   We will send this powerful package for a gift of $25. 

Thank you to all our MHM partners!  You are helping to publish the powerful gospel message in many languages and nations around the world.  We declare this blessing to you, “Our God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

In Christ,
Mark and Trina

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